events In the Town Territory Of Assisi
The dates are to consider perennial because they
are initiatives by now consolidated and repetitive,
for a
possible confirmation to contact: Servizio Turistico Associato - Iat di
Assisi - Piazza del Comune - 06081 Assisi,
tel. 075812534 - fax 075813727 -
(L) December: January Angelano: artistic demonstrations, (concerts and theatrical shows, shows) and sporting.
(N) 6-8 December: XVII I assemble national of the olivo agrituristico "Party of the harvest of the olives" with competitions and popular demonstrations.
(L) 8 December: fete of the Immaculate Conception Solemn liturgical celebrations - with music performed in the basilicas and more important churches from the respective musical Chapels and "Scholae Cantorum" - in honor of the Immaculate Conception, protectress of the Franciscan order. The evening of the eve, great "Focaracci" to the Most greater Fortress and Santa Maria degli Angeli.
(I) from on December 24 to January 6: Christmas in Assisi - Bastia - Bettona - Cannara Solenni liturgies in all the churches. Particularly suggestive they are the rites that are celebrated in the Franciscan sanctuaries. In the memory of S. Francesco "inventor" of the mangers, nearly in all the churches mangers of rare poetry are prepared traditionally. Besides these, they are to signal the so many other mangers that are prepared by the population to the open one, in angles of streets and plazas, or however in well visible places to the passer-bys. You orchestrate vocal, choral and instrumental of Christmas music in the principal churches citizens. Living mangers in the "castles" medieval of Armenzano, Petrignano and S. Gregorio.
(I) 31 Dicembre: march of the Peace organized by Pax Christi and vigil of prayer (Santa Maria degli Angeli - Assisi)
(N) 6 -9 December: I live vocational school (edited by the national Center of Orientation Vocational Conventual Frati Minori of Assisi)
(N)Dicembre 3 - 8 / 26 - 31: vocational courses (Center Vocational Frati Minori Basilica of S. M. of the Angels)
(N) 6 - 9 December: I live vocational school (edited by the national Center of Orientation Vocational Conventual Frati Minori of Assisi)
(N) 7 - 9 December: VII° national conference "Peace - Shalom" Meeting of Groups Ecclesiali. (edited by the Pro Civitate Christiana in Assisi)
(N) 23 - 26 December: Christmas in friendship - Days of Spirituality - Meeting with a theologian (edited by the Pro Civitate Christiana in Assisi)
(N) 28 December - 1° January: I live school of end of year (edited by the national Center of Orientation Vocational Conventual Frati Minori of Assisi)
(N) 31 December - 1 January: meeting of spirituality to the New Year (edited by the ProCivitate Christiana in Assisi)
(N) 31 December: vigil of prayer waiting (edited by the national Center of Orientation Vocational Conventual Frati Minori of Assisi)
(N) 27-31 December: 16° juvenile conference, various personalities of different cultural, ideological and religious extraction, analyze under various points of view a matter - every different year - that you/he/she is chosen among the most actual some juvenile problem list (edited by the Pro Civitate Christiana)
(N) December: university examinations of certification C.I.S.L. (edited by the academy Language Italian Assisi)
parties, Feasts Religious, Parties
of country
FOCARACCIO: in honor of the Immaculate Conception - 7 December
PARTY OF THE HARVEST OF THE OLIVE: Before ten of the month of December
PARTY OF CHRISTMAS: from December 24
TOMBOLATE And VIN BRULE': Sundays of December
3° Festa of My oil: competed to tasting 16 December
LIVING MANGER: 25 - 26 December and 1 - 3 - 6 January
ASCENSION AFOOT ON THE SUBASIO: excursion afoot from Rivotorto to the Stazzis
EPIPHANY: Messa solemn and "his/her Child's Kiss"
JANUARY ANGELANO: show of mangers, bingo, distribution of gifts December
(I) 31 December: Assisi Marathon competition podistica "Marathon"
= international call; E = European call; N = national call; IR =
interregional call; R = regional call; P = provincial call;
L = local character
(The dates in the calendar are to perennial character because they are
initiatives by now consolidated and repetitive.
The Territorial Tourist Service cannot take on him some responsibility
for possible changes or inaccuracies)